Leadership can feel isolating

You’ve worked hard to get here, but senior leadership brings a new set of challenges. Shaping your company culture is difficult amidst competing priorities. You need to quickly and decisively articulate a compelling vision. When you’re alone at the top, executing through chaotic periods of rapid growth is tough. Making bold decisions with incomplete information is a constant challenge.

Natalie Guillen Coach
Natalie Guillen Coach

It’s better with a coach

Many senior leaders in fast growing start-ups and Fortune 500 companies face the same challenges. Leadership is stressful, especially without a sounding board. Having access to a professional coach who gets it can make all the difference. With the right support, you can lead your team confidently in the direction your organization needs and build a culture of success.

Connect with Natalie

Meet Natalie Guillen

Executive Coach and Leadership Development Expert

For over 20 years I’ve led cross-functional efforts across the US, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. I’ve worked with senior leaders at Wells Fargo, PayPal and Google, helping them define and align their goals for greater results.

From high tech start ups to Fortune 500 companies around the world, I’ve helped leaders and their diverse teams thrive in high-growth, high-pressure environments –where the ability to strategize, pivot, and push the boundaries determines leadership effectiveness and business success.

I merge evidence-based practices with enduring insights drawn from my extensive experience. I help you accelerate your growth and tap into skills that elevate your senior or C-suite leadership effectiveness.

MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business

B.S. in Business Administration from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley

Professional coach training from the Co-Active Training Institute

Leadership certifications from The International Coach Federation, The Leadership Circle, The Fearless Organization, and Immunity to Change

During coaching we will

Gain deeper insights into your strengths, growth areas, and blind spots

Evolve your leadership style, communication, and decision-making

Get clear on your goals, priorities, and vision to align your team

Client wins

I was at a critical juncture leading a 5+ year, multi-million dollar project, without a clear path on how to resolve the issues blocking progress. After coaching, I was able to confidently lead our team to a solution for these critical issues —which felt great after spending several years in the negotiation phase.

Senior Leader, Non-Profit

I’m now better positioned to carry out my work with a stronger understanding of the necessary strategic positioning to grow/scale and create more impact. I’ve been able to build a strong team based on trust, respect, and values-alignment, with more open and honest communication. It’s been great.

Managing Director, Venture Capital

I’ve grown tremendously this year. I’ve found my identity and strength—knowing more certainly who I am and where I want to go.

Senior Leader, Private Equity

Power your confidence

Clearly articulate your vision and values

Shape a dynamic culture

Establish norms for team collaboration

Create team agreements

Empower your team to make bolder decisions

Connect with Natalie

How it works



Schedule a free 30 minute call so we can begin to explore your goals and challenges. Let’s find out if we’re a good fit to work together.



We will co-create an action plan that highlights the priorities and challenges in your leadership. We’ll uncover blind spots that when addressed, make day-to-day leadership easier and more impactful.



Unlock your executive leadership potential by gaining fresh perspectives and applying strategies with clarity and confidence. Develop insights that empower you to lead effectively today and shape a successful tomorrow.

Don’t lead alone

Experience measurable gains in your leadership capacity and process challenges with someone who truly understands.

  • Build a high performing team with high psychological safety and trust.
  • Develop stronger relationships with your team, peers, and stakeholders.
  • Create team agreements to communicate effectively and navigate conflicts constructively.
  • Lead your team through both triumphs and setbacks with resilience.
  • Take new teams from initially forming to high-performing.

Create the culture you want to create.

Connect with Natalie

Evolve as a leader

We serve startups to Fortune 500 companies in the following industries:



Venture Capital


Private Equity


Financial Services


Pharma and Biotech

Clients include Leaders at


Executive Coaching

Unlock your leadership potential with personalized coaching designed to expand your impact while gaining confidence and clarity. You’ll get trusted support to help shoulder the load, process the challenges and pave a clear path to success.

Feel more equipped for the unique and often isolating pressures of the C-suite and Senior Leadership, knowing you have a successful coach on your side who gets it.

Schedule a Consultation

Team Coaching

Elevate your team leadership with tailored coaching that builds high-performance. Together, we’ll define clear agreements, instill accountability, and guide your team from formation to peak performance.

Improve your team communication and conflict management, ensuring you’re well-equipped to lead through adversity. Build resilience in setbacks and foster strength in triumph as your team evolves alongside your leadership confidence.

Schedule a Consultation

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